Shedding the Old Skin


When a brand wanted to reinvent itself 

Situation – after building a successful leather luggage, bags and goods business, this start-up wanted to change direction - to become more lifestyle oriented. This was in line with the requests for custom leather products outside the range offered.

Identifying where they were ‘stuck’ – there was a two fold challenge'; one, to move away from their current image of being a ‘ready leather bags’ start-up. Secondly, the matter of making the pivot to become a ‘leather lifestyle’ brand which reflected the organization and its customer base

Un-stuck – conscious decision to stay away from the temptation of online and retail selling. Build a ‘made to order’ bespoke ‘lifestyle’ leather brand. Popular product lines also re-designed to allow customization, and reflect the lifestyle and aspirations of the contemporary, global Indian. 


Finding a Niche within a Niche